Sunday, December 2, 2007

KEDA Radio

For my class I was told to tune into the radio station KEDA, channel 1540 AM, and listen to some of the conjunto music that was being played to its listeners. KEDA is the biggest conjunto and tejano radio station in San Antonio. Doing this was not real hard for me since every time my family and I go to my grandparent’s house we always turn on the radio to that station. The main reason why we always listen in to KEDA is because one of my cousin’s, Nelda Saenv, is a disc jockey for this radio station. So I called her this past weekend so I can get a little information on what she does. She calls herself “Nelda Saenv La Reina de conjuntos”, and she has been working there for over four years. When I asked her if she had a catch phrase she said yes, and it goes “You know you’re in jalapeno country when you hear Nelda Saenv La Reina de conjuntos”. She told me the time she comes on the air is from two until eight in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. While I had her on the phone I asked her which singer or group was her favorite, and she told me that she didn’t have one because she liked all of the music from the various artists that are out there. I also asked her how she was enjoying working there for the radio station, and she told that she loved it because she loves being around that music. For as long as she can remember she has always been around this music being that her uncle Lupe Saenv had a band of his own and enjoyed listening to him. Afterwards I started talking to my dad and he told me about this time that my cousin Nelda invited him to a benefit concert for her father to help raise money for his surgery. While they were there she introduced him to Flaco Jimenez and a couple of other famous conjunto singers. When we listen to the radio while she is the DJ my family loves to call her and tell her what songs to play and make dedications to them. Even if my cousin Nelda didn’t work for this radio station I still believe that I would tune in to hear the music being played. Reason being because just like her I also grew up around the sounds of this style of music as well.

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